New Legislation

Effective September 13, 2013, SB 1105 will take effect. SB 1105 amends sections 32-3401, 32-3402, 32-3404, 32-3423, 32-3441 and 32-3442, Arizona Revised Statutes; amends title 32, chapter 34, article 3, Arizona Revised Statutes, by adding section 32-3446; relating to the board of Occupational Therapy Examiners.

Regulation Rollback

We were asked by Governor Ducey’s Office to provide the following information:

“Regulation Rollback” is a strategic step in our state’s ongoing work to make Arizona the best state in the nation for businesses and consumers alike.

We’ve made great progress in growing our economy and streamlining state government over the past two years. We still have a lot of work to do to make sure outdated regulations aren’t slowing us down.

No longer will regulations remain in place “just because they’re on the books and nobody’s bothered to change them.”